We are happy to announce the first international seminar offered by the C.G. Jung Institute of Colorado!
Nocci, Italy
October 3 – 9, 2020
We are happy to announce the first international seminar offered by the C.G. Jung Institute of Colorado!
Nocci, Italy
October 3 – 9, 2020
The conference theme addresses contemporary concerns in relation to the
An initiative of Dr David Gerbi by appointment of the
As the A&A Jungian movement approaches its 10th anniversary in
The Unconscious Unleashed: Jungian Insights into the Integration of Non-Ordinary
Politics in a Traumatized World: Dystopia and the Creative Imagination
Why a conference dedicated to the Values in Analytical Psychology?
Why do we title our seminar “only separated things can
Inspired by the peaceful beauty of this place and its
Does your creative nature feel wounded or blocked? Would you
We are delighted to extend our warmest greetings to you