Mission Statement

IAAP | International Association for Analytical Psychology

Analytical Psychology originated in the work of the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961). Offering a comprehensive model of the human psyche, analytical psychology includes a psychotherapeutic approach for improving mental health and facilitating maturation of the personality as well as a theoretical body of knowledge with wide applicability to social and cultural issues.

The International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) was founded in 1955 and is the accrediting and regulatory organization for all professional analytical psychologists’ groups. The main objectives of the IAAP are to advance the understanding and utility of analytical psychology worldwide, and to ensure that the highest professional, scientific and ethical standards are maintained in the training and practice of analytical psychologists among its Member Groups.

The IAAP addresses these objectives, in part, by organizing a regular triennial international congress and offering assistance to various regional and professional meetings. In addition to overseeing and financing the publication of the Congress Proceedings, the IAAP supports relevant research projects, and promotes the translation and dissemination of important contributions to the Jungian literature. As part of its mission to promote analytical psychology worldwide, the IAAP actively encourages the formation of Developing Groups in countries and regions without existing IAAP Groups and furthers their progress by organizing local courses and conferences, by supporting the growth of their libraries, and by assisting in ways that foster their integration into the larger community.

As an international body, the IAAP promotes communication among its member groups and coordinates their activities. This is done by publishing an on-line Hewssheet twice a year and a hard copy Newsletter once per administration, sending a President’s letter to the membership in the spring, following the meeting of the Executive Committee, maintaining a website (www.iaap.org), publishing information on forthcoming conferneces and congresses and administering on-line discussion groups for issues of importance to the membership.

Overall, the IAAP endeavours to facilitate the growth of local initiatives while remaining respectful of the autonomy of its member groups.

Internationale Gesellschaft für Analytische Psychologie

Analytische Psychologie ist der Name, mit dem die tiefenpsychologische Richtung bezeichnet wird, welche im Werk von Carl Gustav Jung (1875 – 1961) aus der Schweiz ihren Ursprung findet. Jung ist einer der wichtigsten Denker im Bereich der Tiefenpsychologie.

Die IGfAP ist eine internationale Organisation von Analytikern und Analytikerinnen, die sich praktisch auf dem Gebiet der Analytischen Psychologie betätigen. Ihre Ziele sind die Förderung des Studiums der Analytischen Psychologie, die Verbreitung des Wissens über Analytische Psychologie, die Forderung eines qualifizierten Standards in Ausbildung und Praxis auf der Basis eines ethisch-therapeutischen Verhaltens, und die Abhaltung von Kongressen.

Association Internationale de Psychologie Analytique

La Psychologie Analytique est le nom donné à la psychologie née de l’oeuvre de Carl Gustav Jung. Jung, qui a vécu en Suisse de 1875 à 1961, est un des plus importants théoriciens de la psychologie des profondeurs.

L’AIPA est une organisation internationale de praticiens en Psychologie Analytique. Son but est de promouvoir l’étude et la diffusion de la Psychologie Analytique, de faire respecter un haut niveau de formation, de pratique clinique et d’éthique de la part ses membres, et d’organiser des congrès. L’AIPA réunit plus de 2000 membres à travers le monde.

Associazione Internazionale di Psicologia Analitica

Psicologia Analitica è la denominazione data alla psicologia che trae origine dall’opera di Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) di Zurigo. Jung è uno dei massimi esponenti della psicologia del profondo.

La IAAP è una organizzazione internazionale di professionisti che esercitano la psicologia analitica. I suoi scopi sono la promozione dello studio della psicologia analitica e la sua diffusione; il mantenimento di alti livelli nel training, nell’esercizio della professione e nella condotta etica; l’organizzazione di congressi. Alla IAAP aderiscono oltre 2000 soci in tutto il mondo.

Associação Internacional de Psicologia Analítica

Psicologia Analítica é o nome dado à psicologia originada no trabalho de Carl Gustav Jung (1875 – 1961) na Suíça.

Jung é um dos mais importantes pensadores da psicologia profunda.

A IAAP é uma organização internacional de profissionais engajados na prática da Psicologia Analítica. Os objetivos da Associação são promover o estudo e disseminar o conhecimento da Psicologia Analítica, exigir a manutenção de altos padrões de treinamento, de prática e de conduta ética e promover congressos. A Associação tem mais de 2000 membros espalhados pelo mundo.

Asociación Internacional de Psicología Analítica

Psicología analítica es el nombre que se le da a la psicología que se originó con la obra de Carl Gustav Jung, el psiquiatra suizo (1875-1961). Jung es uno de los máximos exponentes de la psicología profunda.

La Asociación Internacional de Psicología Analítica (IAAP), creada de conformidad con el Artículo 60 y sig. Del Código Civil Suizo, es una organización internacional de profesionales en ejercicio de la psicología analítica. Sus objetivos son la promoción del estudio de la psicología analítica y su difusión; el mantenimiento de altos niveles en las normas de formación profesional, en el ejercicio de la profesión y en la conducta ética de sus miembros; y la organización de congresos. La IAAP cuenta actualmente con más de 2000 miembros a través del mundo.

La IAAP persigue estos objetivos con todo respeto por la autonomía y los intereses profesionales de sus Grupos Miembros y de sus Miembros Individuales.

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