
Misser Berg

Denmark - DSAP

Pilar Amezaga

President Elect
Latin America - SUAPA

Emilija Kiehl

Honorary Secretary

Gražina Gudaite

Vice President
Eastern Europe - LAAP

Brigit Soubrouillard

Vice President
France - SFPA

The Executive Committee shall be determined by the Meeting of Delegates and shall hold office until the next regular Meeting of Delegates. It shall consist of:

1. The President, who shall be Chairperson
2. The President-Elect
3. The Honorary Secretary, appointed by the President
4. Two (2) Vice-Presidents
5. Nine (9) Representatives of the elected Group Members

The Officers named above (President, President-Elect, Vice-Presidents and Honorary Secretary) are considered to be representatives of their respective Group Members, which therefore cannot be placed on the List of Group Members eligible for election to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee consists of 14 members.

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