International Conference
Yerevan, Armenia
**** postponed to 2021 ****
“C. G. JUNG – 145: at the crossroad of disciplines” International Conference
“GiHI Union of Psychologists and Armenologists” NGO invites you to participate in the “C. G. JUNG – 145: at the crossroad of disciplines” international conference on 27-28 July this year, which is dedicated to the 145th anniversary of the great Swiss psychiatrist, the founder of analytical psychology Carl Gustav Jung.
The main topics are: 1. C. G. Jung’s Contribution in the Science, his Psychological Theories 2. Jungian Analytical Psychology: Theory and Practice 3. C. G. Jung’s Theories in Cultural Studies (Art, Literature, Social Sciences and Humanities) 4. C. G. Jung’s Theories and Religion
The languages of the conference are Armenian and English.
To fill in the application, please follow the link: ➡ http://bit.ly/2uZA15d
The deadline for submission of bids is May 31.
The organizers continue seeking additional financial support to cover the expenses of travel and accommodation of guests.
For questions and further details contact us:
☎ +374 43 656 929 ☎ +374 55 656 929