10th Anniversary of Analysis & Activism

As the A&A Jungian movement approaches its 10th anniversary in 2024, the organizers are gearing up for a grand celebration—a virtual symposium that promises to be the capstone event of a decade marked by intellectual exploration and meaningful societal contributions. Flyer
2024 IAJS Online Conference: Jung and Duality: Contemporary Thought

The conference theme addresses contemporary concerns in relation to the notion of the dualisticnature of contrasting elements. Together, we will contemplate how creatively addressing topicssuch as polarization, cancel culture, self-idolatry, individualization to the detriment ofindividuation, the need for duality to individuate (or not), and other relevant issues ofmodernity, which may reveal more profound organizing principles […]
2024 Presidency Conference

Politics in a Traumatized World: Dystopia and the Creative Imagination The C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco is presenting its seventh consecutive Presidency Conferenceexploring the psychological dimensions of our political landscape as expressed in U.S. presidential elections. This year’s conference features leading Jungians in the field of politics and psyche, providing a unique opportunity to […]
IRJSA Invitational Conference

The Unconscious Unleashed: Jungian Insights into the Integration of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness
Trauma and Healing – Civilization Violated

An initiative of Dr David Gerbi by appointment of the Einaudi Foundation, NIJA (Israel), and LIRPA (Italy) Flyer English – Flyer Italien
IAAP/Catholic University Freiburg joint Conference – The Process of Transformation

Announcement for the IAAP/Catholic University Freiburg joint conference In cooperation with German Society for Analytical Psychology (DGAP) and International Network for Research in Analytical Psychology (INFAP3) „The Process of Transformation“ Preliminary Program Abstracts for the IAAP/Catholic University Freiburg Joint Conference Information on Registration
ONLY SEPARATED THINGS CAN UNITE: An Alchemical Journey to Love and Consciousness

Why do we title our seminar “only separated things can unite?” The reason is two-fold. The connection between our Colorado program and this little region in Italy is an intercontinental bond that has provided a unity of once separated spirits. We have chosen this location because our training program’s reach has spanned this distance of […]
1st IAAP European Conference on Childhood and Adolescence

We are glad to announce the first European Conference on the topic of adolescence that will be held in 2024, from 28th to 30th of August in the fascinating Sicilian city of Siracusa, Italy. We see it as a special and hopefully thought provoking opportunity for child and adolescent analysts and trainees, but also for […]
6th European Conference of Analytical Psychology

Analytical Psychology when the Time is out of Joint ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY WHEN TIME IS OUT OF JOINT Hungarian philosopher Agnes Heller – in her book entitled The Time Is Out of Joint: Shakespeare as Philosopher of History (Rowman & Littlefield, 2002) – underlines that Hamlet “is a man of conscience who knows that while relying […]
The Self, Individuation, Communitas – Reflections on Values in Analytical Psychology

Why a conference dedicated to the Values in Analytical Psychology? The IAAP started in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1955 as an Association made up of a few representatives from Western Europe and North America. Since then and due to globalisation in the last decades, its membership now extends across many countries of the world on six […]