It was with great sadness that I learned of the death of Daniela Eulert-Fuchs. Although I was informed about her serious illness, she also wrote to me about it herself. She was courageous and even last year, after the treatments had failed, she did not give up hope.
Daniela was a very special person, very warm-hearted, approachable, extremely nuanced, knowledgeable and gifted with many intellectual and social talents. She trained as an analyst at the Austrian Society for Analytical Psychology (ÖGAP) in Vienna and later became involved in the society’s board and various committees. She was a teaching analyst and supervisor, an extremely talented and experienced psychiatrist and psychoanalyst for children and adolescents. One of her specialties was the crying baby ambulance, which she helped to set up.
I met Daniela in 2014 at the three-country conference of the German-speaking societies for Analytical Psychology (DGAP, ÖGAP, SGAP) in Vienna. She gave an excellent presentation at this conference on the topic of “The emergence of meaning”. At the time, I was President-elect of the IAAP and responsible for the router program in Central Europe. Daniela was interested in joining us and then took on responsibility as liaison person for the Developing Group in Bulgaria in 2015. She also took on these tasks with great interest and commitment, despite the many adversities she faced and encountered during this time. We regularly communicated by email, skype and telephone. Daniela was able to give a lot to the group from her in-depth knowledge as a child and adult therapist. She had studied infant and attachment research in- depth and related these concepts to Analytical Psychology. Her seminars and supervisions were greatly appreciated by the members.
Later, as part of the preparations for the IAAP Congress in Vienna in 2019, Daniela was a great help to me and an important discussion partner, especially in designing the program and in the search for a keynote speaker. It was during these conversations that I really realized how profound was Daniela’s knowledge of culture and literature.
Finally, at the IAAP Congress in Vienna, Daniela Eulert-Fuchs gave an outstanding plenary lecture entitled “The other – between fear and desire”. It met with a great response and was subsequently published in various journals. Daniela had a talent for carefully tracing psychological processes, precisely grasping the connections and clearly presenting their complexity. Her analytical work focused on relational analysis. The concepts of intersubjectivity were very important to her in understanding transference and countertransference. She was technically extremely well-grounded and highly nuanced. There was something brilliant about the way she analyzed and presented.
In Austria, at the ÖGAP, Daniela leaves a big gap. Many students have benefited from her profound knowledge as a teaching analyst and supervisor. But the international community has also lost a highly esteemed colleague who knew how to relate Analytical Psychology to recent analytical findings and research. With her contributions, lectures and publications, she made an important contribution to the further development of Analytical Psychology.
Personally, I am losing an amiable and exceptional colleague and friend whom I was very fond of and with whom I was able to realize several projects. We had planned further activities together, but unfortunately, they can no longer be realized.
I would like to express my heartfelt condolences to Daniela’s family, especially her husband and daughter.
Marianne Müller