It is with immense sadness that we announce that AGAP member Frédérique Dambreville died peacefully at her home in Paris on 7 October; she was only 71 years old. Those of us who knew her cherished above all her wisdom, wit, energy, and uncompromising integrity. She last lectured in June this year at the Psyche and Time event jointly organized by ISAPURICH and the Pari Center, and the following is taken from the biographical notes that she provided at that time:
Frédérique was a Jungian Analyst and professional astrologer in private practice in Paris. She began her professional life as a registered nurse in several specialized wards, and completed her qualifications with training in emergency procedures and first aid in times of disaster. She was a journalist, writing for a professional nursing journal published by the French Red Cross, and contributed articles in the medical press. She also graduated in philosophy at the Sorbonne, and trained in yoga teaching and practice.
Since her early twenties, following a deep inner search for meaning, she started to study astrology and Analytical Psychology. From the beginning, these two fields were the red thread guiding her way, and a frame of reference where everything she learned and experienced had its place and function. She studied astrology with several astrologers belonging to different orientations: traditional, transpersonal and humanistic (Rudhyar, Ruperti…), and psychological (Liz Greene, Howard Sasportas, Richard Idemon, Stephen Arroyo…). In the mid-80s, she started consultations with clients, reading charts and teaching students.
She joined AGAP in 2009, after completing her analyst training at ISAPZURICH in the same year. At ISAPZURICH, she was recently made emerita.
On behalf of AGAP and ISAPZURICH,
Andrew Fellows
Lars Oivind Oian