In the Spotlight – Joan Chodorow

In this News Bulletin we are delighted to bring a portrait of Joan Chodorow presented by Tina Stromsted. Joan Chodorow was a pioneer in dance/movement therapy, and she has had a huge influence in the Jungian world for over 40 years. We hope you will enjoy reading Tina Stromsted’s presentation of Joan Chodorow below. 

I met Joan Chodorow in 1980 at an American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA) conference in Los Angeles, California. Her warm, authentic engagement left a strong impression on me, so I was excited when, a few years later, she agreed to an interview for my master’s thesis on DreamDancing, which integrated dreamwork with movement. 

This brief portrait draws on two subsequent interviews, insights from our recent conversations, and elements from her writings. I highly recommend her books and articles for their rich articulation of her work. Here, I will focus more on the life experiences that inspired and shaped her pioneering contributions to embodiment in depth analysis.  …. Click HERE to read Tina Stromsted’s full presentation, titled Meeting Joan Chodorow: Dancing in the Depths

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