Dear all colleagues who wrote words of support and offered their help to Ukrainian people and colleagues!
I could not answer you all earlier, I could not thank you for your KINDNESS!
I apologize, but I just could not, there was no such opportunity and there was no time and energy (((.
For these 5 days there has been a full scale war in Ukraine, there is continuous bombardment and shelling, already the 5th day and children and women fall asleep and wake up in shelters, on the ground, thousands of refugees leave their homes and run to nowhere…
This is horror on earth. It’s hard for me to describe it without being emotional.
I read all your letters, forward them to colleagues in UJA and other psychological associations of Ukraine, students, supervisors, hundreds of psychologists, and people read your words of support, we appreciate your active actions and your financial assistance. Now I can’t list everyone personally and all the communities who wrote to me, but I will definitely do it when the time comes!
You probably cannot even imagine how important your words are for me and the Ukrainian people. We read them when there is “silence”, when it is unbearably painful and scary, when we need to hug a child, and our strength is running out.
And all Ukrainians know “peace be with us!” “the truth is on our side”, “no war!”.
This feeling of “unity” is now like “living water”, we are “dying”, and you are “reviving” us.
I am not writing an official letter of gratitude, I am writing a human letter to a “wounded woman”, whose husbands and sons defend their country, who worked hard and lost her home, became a refugee. But I believe this will change soon!
This is not only my reality, there are millions of us.
My colleagues and I work hard and help adults and children as crisis psychologists, provide first psychological aid, conduct support groups all the time, write recommendations and exercises as informational support.
It brings the feeling of reality and life back
Ukrainians are strong and courageous people, we have nothing to lose, we will stand to the end! We’ll manage!
This war is for everyone!
Thank you for being with us. We feel it and we know it!
I will not always be able to answer, and Sergey Teklyuk (Vice President of UJA) cannot either, he is often in bomb shelters.
I’m in touch with Maria Teresa Aydemir, she knows about the current state of things.
All Ukrainian colleagues are alive, some are now in Kyiv.
I end my letter with gratitude and hope!
Sorry for my bad English.
Perhaps not only I will answer your letters, but also Sergey Teklyuk and my colleagues from the Ukrainian Jungian Association!
With hope for the peace
Inna, all members of UJA and Ukrainian psychologists and people.
Keep In touch!
Passions, Compulsions and Obsessions:The Forces That Drive Us
From a Jungian perspective, there is much to be said about