AJA was involved with the project very early, when the late Richard Wainwright used to go to Kyiv once a month
(He was my supervisor and a dear friend), as did Antonia Boll, (Chair of AJA)
I’ve been teaching and supervising there for about 10 years, or maybe more, and chair a group of AJA analysts who supervise analysts and candidates there.
(they presently are: Brenda Crowther, Moira Duckworth[ex chair], Julienne McLean, Arthur Neisser [ex chair] and Ruth WIlliams – there may be others, later). We meet once a month to discuss our work and supervise each other.
Almost everyone we work with are now refugees, along with their young families – sometimes without their husbands or beloved elderly relatives they’re spread all over Europe and in the USA. They are trying to continue to analyse, do therapy and supervise: including supervising volunteers: as well as doing social dreaming and group work.
-some of this is ‘supervision of supervision’ . . . supporting those on the ground in Bucha and around Kyiv, volunteers who counselled those who’d seen family members raped and killed is deeply upsetting – even at third hand. Russian soldiers are undoubtedly guilty of terrible war crimes. We’d offered to run a ‘supervisors training course’ for our Ukranian colleagues- this is on hold – tho’ when we can, we will. AJA has done this before.
And – with the help from Batya Palmoni and the IAAP – there is now a space at the Buenos Aires conference when the war can be discussed: something I’d been hoping for since the conflict began. It won’t resolve anything, but people can be heard and witnessed. My wife, Carola (AJA, retired) and Susan Schwartz (NMAJA) will chair it. Batya is sending a blurb about it to the IAAP office, for distribution. Maybe it could be mentioned in the next newsletter – if there is one in July?
Thank you so much for the IAAP’s continuing support for our Ukrainian colleagues and for sensitivity about the complex position of our Russian colleagues.
This is an impossible situation
with best wishes
Dale Mathers