Under the International Association for Analytical Psychology’s (IAAP’s) functions and competencies, as set out in Art. 23 of its Constitution, the following minimal standards guidelines for Group Members’ ethics codes are adopted.
It is understood that the IAAP, being international in scope, is made up of Group Members that operate in settings with various customs, laws, and traditions. These minimal standards are therefore crafted in the broadest terms to accommodate the individual differences that arise. Any group seeking membership in the IAAP may always look to the IAAPCode of Ethics for further guidance, but the following principles must be addressed or included in each Group Member’s code of ethics:
I. Analyst–Patient Relationships
a) Patients must be protected from exploitation by the analyst. Examples of such exploitation include sexual relations with a patient, terminating a therapeutic relationship in order to have a sexual relationship, and financial dealings outside of the usual fee arrangements.
b) The privacy of the patient and the patient’s analytic material must be protected.
c) The analyst shall not practice while impaired by the use of drugs or alcohol or by a physical or psychological illness that adversely impacts the analysis.
II. Analyst- Supervisee Relationships
a) The Supervisor or control analyst shall not take advantage of the greater authority implicit in this relationship. Examples of such an exploitation of this greater authority would include becoming sexually involved withor taking financial advantage of the supervisee or control analysand for as long as the supervisory relationship exists.
III. Procedures for Handling Ethics Complaints
a) Procedures for processing ethical complaintsmust be in writing and be made available to potential complainants in a language they understand.
b) These procedures must clearly state to whom the complaint is to be addressed and the specific form, if any, that it must take.
c) Complaints must be responded to in a reasonable period of time, with that period of time specifically stated in the procedures.
d) Complainants and persons complained against should be advised in a timely manner of the names of the individuals adjudicating the case and should have the possibility of challenging for cause those individuals. This would include members ofan ethics committee or other adjudicating body.
e) The proceedings should remain confidential, and the identity of the complainant and person complained against should be released only in accordance with specific procedures.
f) Provision should be made for the complainant and the person complained against to be heard in person.
g) The procedures should contain a specific listing of remedies or sanctions available to the adjudicating body. These may range from a recommended apology, warning, or reprimand to expulsion from the group.
h) Provision should be made for the complainant and respondentto be informed in a timely manner of the outcome and disposition of the complaint.
i) Final action taken by a Group Member to suspend or expel an analyst for ethical reasons shall be reported by the Group Memberto all other IAAP Groups of which the sanctioned analyst is a member so long as this reporting is done in accordance with applicable law.
j) In those instances in which a Group Memberengages in the training of analysts, those trainees must be specifically included under the jurisdiction of the Group Member’s ethics code.
k) Provision should be made so that the resignation of a member does not in itself prevent the final resolution of an ethics complaint.
Approved by the delegates’ meeting in 2013 and amended by the delegates in 2007, 2010 and 2013.
IAAP Constitution: Art. 5a, Paras. 2 and 3.
2The Group Members are required to have an approved Code Ethics of their own or to judge the ethical conduct of their members according to the ‘Guidelines for Minimal Standards in Code of Ethics for Member Groups of the IAAP’.
3The Individual Members shall be judged according to the ‘Code of Ethics for IAAP Individual Members’.