Professor Sonu Shamdasani wins C. G. Jung Award 2024
IAJS has announced that Professor Sonu Shamdasani is the winner of the prestigious C.G. Jung Award 2024. The C.G. Jung Award honors recipients who have made significant international contributions in scholarship, leadership, service, mentorship, clinical praxis, renovation, and/ or lifetime achievement in analytical psychology and/or post-Jungian studies. Sonu Shamdasani will give his C. G. Jung Memorial […]
10th Anniversary of Analysis & Activism
As the A&A Jungian movement approaches its 10th anniversary in 2024, the organizers are gearing up for a grand celebration—a virtual symposium that promises to be the capstone event of a decade marked by intellectual exploration and meaningful societal contributions. Flyer
En Busca de la Felicidad
Diplomado en Mitologia Comparada de la luz de la Psicologia Analitica Junguiana, dictado por la psicologa y especialista en mitologia, Margarita Ovalle.
In the Spotlight – Marianne Müller
In this News Bulletin we bring a portrait and an interview with Marianne Mueller, President of the IAAP from 2016 – 2019. We hope you will enjoy Emilija Kiehl’s presentation and interview with Marianne Mueller. EK: Our previous conversation in an IAAP publication was for the November 2015 Newssheet. You were then on your way to […]
4. C.G. Jung Symposium
Intuition – das Wissen der Seele FlyerAnmeldeformular / Registration form
2025 JSSS Conference
Memory: Reflecting on the Past; Dreaming of the Future We call upon memory to learn from an accurately framed past in order to set aspirations for the future. The ability to remember how things worked when they worked well and to understand how we got to this point provides hope for healing a troubled world. […]
2024 IAJS Online Conference: Jung and Duality: Contemporary Thought
The conference theme addresses contemporary concerns in relation to the notion of the dualisticnature of contrasting elements. Together, we will contemplate how creatively addressing topicssuch as polarization, cancel culture, self-idolatry, individualization to the detriment ofindividuation, the need for duality to individuate (or not), and other relevant issues ofmodernity, which may reveal more profound organizing principles […]
In the Spotlight – Gustav Bovensiepen
In this News Bulletin we bring a portrait and an interview with Gustav Bovensiepen, who for the last five decades have had a strong theoretical, clinical and organisational influence in the IAAP. We hope you will enjoy Misser Berg’s presentation and interview with Gustav Bovensiepen. Gustav Bovensiepen was born 1944 and grew up in South Germany […]
2024 Presidency Conference
Politics in a Traumatized World: Dystopia and the Creative Imagination The C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco is presenting its seventh consecutive Presidency Conferenceexploring the psychological dimensions of our political landscape as expressed in U.S. presidential elections. This year’s conference features leading Jungians in the field of politics and psyche, providing a unique opportunity to […]
World Health Organisation (WHO)
In response to the recent World Health Organisation (WHO) publication of a Psychological Interventions Implementation Manual that predominantly endorse behavioral therapy (BT) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques, for both adults and young people, the IAAP has sent a letter (LINK) that takes a strong stand against limiting the effective treatments for mental health disorders to […]