Probably almost all members of our society have been involved to some extent in helping Ukraine and its people who fled to our country before the war.
One of our members, Martin Skála, is particularly strongly associated with helping Ukraine, having been involved in the development of their Jungian training long before the current conflict.
Our society has previously accepted two Ukrainian colleagues as members:
Since the war actually started in 2014 and the UJA has not resolved its problem with Russian members still significantly and actively present in the society in this situation, our TG, CIAP, has accepted two members who have resigned from the UJA because of this collaboration. We fully support our new colleagues in their efforts to resolve the problem that led to their loss of their umbrella organization.
We have financially supported UGR members to attend the trauma workshop.
We signed a protest against the inclusion of Russian as the official language of IAAP. We certainly do not want to go against Russian culture, of which language is an essential tool, and on the contrary, we want to keep as many avenues of contact open as possible. However, we see the request of our Russian colleagues as ill-timed in the context of the current situation. We hope for a favourable future development.
Most of our colleagues count on offering their services free of charge or for a symbolic fee to people from Ukraine.
Martin Skála, who is also the best equipped linguistically for the job, continues to analyse and supervise colleagues from the UGR for free or for a symbolic fee. Two of his supervisees have already passed the final exam for IAAP during the war.
Martin’s wife Daria, who is originally from Ukraine and now also a CSAP trainee, together with colleagues from Israel and Lithuania, started three interview groups for UGR members, which are still running and Daria participates in one of them as an organizer and translator.
In addition, both, Martin a Daria, continue to provide analysis and therapy to people from Ukraine, free of charge or for a symbolic fee.
Daria is involved in the project Head Above Water organized by and provides psychotherapeutic help to refugees in the Czech Republic. In the project ČAP (Czech Association for Psychotherapy) in cooperation with NUDZ (National Institute of Mental Health) she is starting a supervision group for Ukrainian psychologists, refugees in the Czech Republic.
In cooperation with other members of our society, Martin and Daria, have organized accommodation and shelter for about 30 Ukrainian refugees, including a few fellow psychologists and Jungians, for whom they have also arranged the opportunity to work with Ukrainians for a fee provided by the project Head Above Water.
Our colleagues from Slovakia were involved in organizing aid for refugees from Ukraine on the eastern border of Slovakia.
In the larger Czech towns, help centres for people from Ukraine were established, where members of our company were involved in psychological care.
Petr Patocka
President of CIAP, Czech Institute for Analytical Psychology
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