Dear officers of IAAP and colleagues of the world Jungian community,
We are grateful to you for constant support and help in this disastrous situation of war! You immediately responded to our pain with real actions, and we’ve been feeling your compassion and empathy during all these 5 months of war!
Also we would like to thank you for the timely and essential financial help from IAAP that organized the opportunity of “donation” for Ukraine, Fund for the Advancement of Jungian Psychoanalysis FAJP, with the involvement of Jan Wiener, and the financial support for Ukrainian colleagues thanks to the event «Solidarity event on 21 May” #WithUkrainianJungians with the involvement of GAP (London).
We would like to submit the UJA activity report for the period of the past 5 months of war and summarize the preliminary results of our work.
Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine UJA members have had professional activities in the following directions:
1. Direction One.
UJA members participate in regular reflection groups of self-support, as well as support groups moderated by colleagues from other countries: Israel (Henry Abramovitch), Great Britain (Jan Wiener, Warren Colman), France (group meetings with SFPA analysts). Such groups allow us to contain very difficult experiences, reflect on our own trauma and individual processes.
In March there was a meeting with Tom Kelly on ethical dilemmas in collegial relations. Another meeting is going to take place in July.
In April there was a meeting with IAAP officers, which was very valuable for us. Also, we receive constant support in correspondence with IAAP officers.
Thanks to the support of French analysts (SFPA) UJA members have an opportunity to get individual supervisions free of charge, apart from reflection groups. There is a plan to expand this cooperation beginning in September in several directions: theme based reflection groups for analysis oriented psychologists who train with UJA members, open webinars on working with trauma, individual and group supervisions, translation of articles.
2. Direction Two.
On their part UJA members do active volunteer work, provide psychological help to the Ukrainian people who suffered, and to psychologists who provide this kind of help and also need support themselves. In particular UJA analysts organize and lead support groups, individual crisis counseling and supervisions for Ukrainian analysis oriented psychologists. In total UJA supports more than 100 Ukrainian psychologists.
UJA analysts: Serhiy Teklyuk, Inna Kyryliuk, Elena Kovalenko, Elena Pozdieieva, Olga Kasianenko, Anna Mitsuk with support from Maria Teresa Aydemir (ECECEJA, Poland) conducted more than 100 “support groups” during the first three months of the war, when a lot of people in Ukraine were suffering from acute reaction to stress. The majority of groups continue working now.
Also UJA analysts: Serhiy Teklyuk, Elena Kovalenko, Elena Pozdieieva, Anna Mitsuk were conducting supervision groups for psychologists who work with victims among adults and children on the occupied territory and with people who are temporarily displaced. Elena Pozdieieva conducted 10 “Social Dreaming Matrix” groups.
3. Direction Three.
UJA is actively involved in organizing trainings and open professional webinars for Ukrainian psychologists:
• Alexander Ostrobrod, an Israeli expert on working with PTSD and trauma (Trauma and Resiliency center NATAL) with involvement of Batya Brosh Palmoni conducted three open webinars on the topic “HOW TO HELP ONESELF COPE WITH THE CONSEQUENCES OF STRESS CAUSED BY MISSILE ATTACKS, WARS AND TERROR ATTACKS”. 850 people participated in the webinar (the video is available on youtube).
• Martin Schmidt “Violence, Trauma and War”, 450 participants (video available on youtube).
• Henry Abramovitch “Doing Therapy and Analysis in the Times of War and Terror: Jungian Approach” – 200 participants.
• Giorgio Tricarico “Betrayal as a Process of Individuation” – 250 participants.
• Serhiy Teklyuk conducted:
three open webinars for psychologists, medical university students and doctors on “Psychological Help in a Crisis”;
four webinars for people and big organizations (video available on youtube) “How to Help Yourself and Others during War”;
webinar for psychologists “Special Features of Providing Psychological Help to War Veterans” webinar for psychologists and doctors “Methods of Early Diagnosis of Depressive Disorders (video available)
• Anna Mitsuk conducted:
two webinars for doctors and psychologists “Anti-crisis Psychological Help during War”, April, Kharkov, Lutsk.
• Inna Kyryliuk conducted:
Ten 3-hour training workshops for groups of 10-15 people on “First Psychological Aid in Shock Trauma and PTSD” and “Dissociative Processes as a Reaction to Trauma. Treatment”.
• Elena Pozdieieva made a presentation at the Latvian conference of psychotherapists “War in Practices of Psychotherapists”, May, Riga.
Topic of the presentation “Black or White? The Difficulty of Ethical Choices during the War”
Since June the training process of Basic Programs has been resumed.
Due to the initiative of British colleagues Catherine Cox and Catherine Hinds an event was held «In support of Ukrainian Jungian Analysts – An international gathering in solidarity» on May 21st with a presentation of Ann Ulanov. UJA invited the majority of analysis-oriented psychologists. Inna Kyryliuk made a presentation at the event. In September there will be the second stage of the event: Reading Groups: Ann Ulanov’s paper: Ukraine and Jung’s Red and Black Books: Making the Unsayable Experiential. UJA organized 77 Ukrainian psychologists to participate in GR.
4. Direction four.
UJA members continue analysis and supervisions with their clients who experienced bombings and evacuation, despite the fact that the analysts who stayed in Ukraine are themselves in a difficult and dangerous situation of constant air raid warnings and missile attacks.
Ukrainian Jungian Association consists of 10 Jungian analysts who have been courageously working in their field and doing big logistical, educational, and volunteer work for the population and psychologists.
Big help was provided and is still being provided by colleagues from different analytical societies:
• Polish Society – Maria Teresa Aydemir (ECECEJA), Maria Lokaj, Miroslaw Giza
• Kazakhstan – Anait Arkadyan (ECECEJA)
• British Society – Martin Schmidt, Jan Wiener, Warren Colman and other colleagues
• Israeli Society – Henry Abramovitch, Batya Brosh Palmoni, Аhuva Yavin- Arnon, Michal Trudart and others, François-Xavier POLIS (SBPA, IAAP),
• German Society – dr. Jörg Rasche, Stephan Alder
• Bulgarian Society (Sofia) – Mihaela Videnova- Gagova with coordination from Maria Teresa Aydemir. Svetlana Zheleva, Silvia Marinova, Gergana Bencheva, Katerina Pavurdzhieva, Valentina Hristova
We are not able to name all of our colleagues, because we asked them to help, and they organized crisis counseling and supervisions in their countries and involved their colleagues in this work. That is why many more Jungians are involved in helping Ukrainians.
Our colleagues give support sessions free of charge, provide accommodation and other social help to Ukrainian colleagues and their families.
Thanks to the personal help of our colleagues from all over the world Ukrainian analysts found psychological and physical shelter!
With gratitude and faith in victory,
UJA, Ukraine
En Busca de la Felicidad
Diplomado en Mitologia Comparada de la luz de la Psicologia