AJB Journal: Cadernos Junguianos
Cadernos Junguianos no. 17 – 2023
Cadernos Junguianos Journal is an annual publishing from Junguian Association of Brazil – AJB. Since 2005 it has been a permanent forum for exibition and sharing of works and ideas based on Jung’s thoughts. The Junguian Journal is composed of articles, book reviews, interviews, monograph summaries, dissertations and theses, among other materials closely related or influenced by the Junguian thoughts.
Analytische Psychologie
Die Zeitschrift befasst sich seit über 40 Jahren mit der Vertiefung und mit den Weiterentwicklungen der Analytischen Psychologie nach C. G. Jung. Veröffentlicht werden Beiträge zu praktisch-klinischen und theoretischen Themen der psychotherapeutischen und psychoanalytischen Behandlung von Erwachsenen, Kindern und Jugendlichen. Die Zeitschrift versteht sich als ein internationales Forum für die unterschiedlichen Strömungen innerhalb der Analytischen Psychologie. Sie hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, den Dialog mit den anderen Traditionen der psychoanalytischen Gemeinschaft zu fördern. Beiträge zur Zeitgeschichte, zu Kultur, Religion und Gesellschaft finden ebenso Berücksichtigung wie Untersuchungen aus der Psychotherapieforschung und verwandten Wissenschaften. Rezensionen tiefenpsychologischer und psychoanalytischer Literatur sowie Kongress- und Veranstaltungshinweise werden regelmäßig veröffentlicht.
Gustav Bovensiepen (Köln)
Hans-Joachim Wilke (Berlin)
Verena Kast (St. Gallen)
Address: Dieringhauser Str. 21, D-51109 Köln
Tel. 0049-221-9841540
Fax 0049-221-9841542
E-mail: gustav.bovensiepen@koeln.de
Publisher: Der Brandes & Apsel Verlag
Website: www.brandes-apsel-verlag.de/gv_neu/gesamt_inhalt.htm
Cahiers Jungiens de Psychanalyse
Fondés en 1974 par une équipe d’analystes de la Société Française de Psychologie Analytique, les « Cahiers Jungiens de Psychanalyse » sont une revue jungienne en langue française. La revue, qui se présente sous une forme semestrielle, s’attache à publier des articles théoriques et cliniques d’analystes jungiens, parmi lesquels des contributions d’auteurs de nombreux pays. Elle publie également des travaux issus d’autres courants psychanalytiques ainsi que de divers secteurs des sciences humaines, dans un esprit de dialogue, de confrontation des perspectives et d’ouverture au monde contemporain. Chaque numéro s’articule autour d’un thème. Il comporte également des recensions des revues et ouvrages parus en France et à l’étranger, à la fois autour de la thématique abordée et de l’actualité jungienne. L’ensemble des numéros des Cahiers jungiens de psychanalyse est maintenant disponible sur la plateforme cairn.info depuis le numéro 1 (printemps 1974). Il est possible d’accéder gratuitement à l’éditorial, à un article représentatif du thème proposé, au bloc-notes et à la revue des revues ainsi qu’aux hommages.
Laurence Lacour and Samira Richer-Villar
13 rue Ganneron, 75018
Paris – FRANCE
E-mail: secretariat@cahiers-jungiens.com
Website: www.cahiers-jungiens.cairn.info
Journal for Jungian Studies
All Jungian associations and professional groups in the UK have their roots in the C.G. Jung Analytical Psychology Club London, which was established in 1922. In Harvest, the oldest Jungian journal in the UK, the Club provides an outstanding forum that reflects growth and breadth in this field. Papers on clinical, theoretical, cultural, symbolic and academic themes from all branches of Analytical Psychology are included to give voice to the wide spectrum of ideas and applications of Jungian studies.
Renos Papadopoulos
20 Woodriffe Road
London E11 1AH
United Kingdom
Published by Karnac Books for the C.G. Jung Analytical Psychology Club London
Website: http://jungclub-london.org/index.php/publishing/harvest
International Journal of Jungian Studies
Website: https://jungstudies.net/ijjs-journal/
Website: https://brill.com/view/journals/ijjs/ijjs-overview.xml
Jung Journal : Culture and Psyche
Jung Journal : Culture & Psyche is an international quarterly published by the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco offering feature articles, reviews, interviews, poetry, and art. Many depth psychological themes dealing with culture and contemporary life appear in the journal as they are reflected in works of art, literature, film, poetry, music, myth, science, technology, and Jungian theory and history.
Editor: Katherine Olivetti
To subscribe or submit an article please see the Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche at Taylor & Francis Online.
For additional information visit the Jung Journal web site.
Journal of Analytical Psychology
The Journal of Analytical Psychology, which is owned by the Society of Analytical Psychology, is the leading international Jungian publication in English. The Journal is renowned for its emphasis on the clinical practice of in-depth analysis and its exploration of the relationship between analytical psychology and psychoanalysis. It also addresses issues on the leading edge of philosophy, science, religion, and an understanding of the arts.
Editors-in-Chief: Ann Addison (UK), Arthur Niesser (Europe), Nora Swan-Foster (US)
1 Daleham Gardens
London NW3 5BY
Email: journal.jap@thesap.org.uk
Website: wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/JAP and www.thejap.org
Journal of Sandplay Therapy
Published biannually by
Sandplay Therapists of America
Editor: Joyce Camuyrano Cunningham
Sandplay Therapists of America
Journal of Sandplay Therapy
P.O. Box 4847
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
E-mail: sta@sandplay.org
Website: www.sandplay.org
La Vouivre
Culture et pensée jungienne
La Vouivre, à l’origine Cahiers Romands de Psychologie Analytique puis Cahiers de Psychologie Analytique, sous-titrée finalement Culture et Pensée jungienne, est née, spontanément, il y a une dizaine d’années de la rencontre semestrielle des analystes jungiens de Suisse romande, analystes membres de la Société Suisse de Psychologie Analytique ( association affiliée à l’IAAP, Société Internationale de Psychologie Analytique) et/ou diplômés ou candidats au diplôme de l’Institut Jung de Zürich. Ce projet éditorial, indépendant de toute association ou institut professionnels, entendait donner un écho original à l’œuvre du psychanalyste et psychiatre suisse Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) fondateur de la psychologie analytique ainsi nommée pour la distinguer de la psychanalyse inspirée par Sigmund Freud.
Website: http://www.la-vouivre.ch
Lirpa Journal
We are a team of psychologists analysts associated with Italian Analytical Psychology Research Laboratory (LIRPA), this association belongs to the international institutional framework of International Association Analytical Psychology (IAAP), by which it is recognized either as Analytical Psychology Association and as analytical psychological oriented Psychotherapy Specialisation School .
Journal of the Southern African Association of Jungian Analysts
Judy Austin
4 Linray Road
Rosebank 7700
South Africa
Tel: 021-689-6090
E-mail: saaja@gem.co.za
Materia Prima
International Bulletin of the Workshop of
Analytical Psychology in Childhood and Adolescence
Verena Rossetti-Gsell
Via Rusca
CH-6862 Rancate
Psychoanalytic Dialogues
A Journal of Relational Perspectives
Launched in 1991, Psychoanalytic Dialogues was founded on the premise that within the diverse world of psychoanalysis there had developed a set of overlapping perspectives that regarded relational configurations of self and others, real and fantasied, as the primary units of human motivation and psychodynamic explanation. These perspectives emerged within interpersonal psychoanalysis; British object relations theories; self psychology; the empirical traditions of infancy research and child development; and certain currents of contemporary Freudian thought. This common relational model has come to provide a vitalizing framework within which clinical contributions can be situated and developed. Psychoanalytic Dialogues is dedicated to facilitating debate among theoreticians and clinicians working within this array of relational perspectives. Now published bimonthly, it continues to explore common ground; to clarify differences; and to raise the level of debate within the analytic community above slogans and formulas–all in the interest of enhancing our understanding of the intricate richness of the psychoanalytic process.
Anthony Bass, PhD Hazel Ipp, PhD Stephen Seligman, DMH
Psychological Perspectives
A quarterly journal of Jungian thought
Published by the C.G. Jung Institute
of Los Angeles since 1970
Psychological Perspectives is a beautiful journal whose mission is to promote greater consciousness by honoring and amplifying the psychology of C. G. Jung. It has been published semi-annually since 1970, sponsored by the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles. It is now issued quarterly since the beginning of 2009
10349 West Pico Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90064-2608
Tel: 310-556-1193
Fax: 310-556-2290
E-mail: junginla@earthlink.net
Quadrant is the C.G. Jung Foundation’s journal of interesting and accessible articles and reviews on analytical psychology and related subjects. It is devoted to the full spectrum of Jungian psychology. For subscription information and an index of articles from recent issues, see below. Quadrant offers essays grounded in personal and professional experience, which focus on issues of matter and body, psyche and spirit. Major themes of Jung’s work are explored through mythological, archetypal and alchemical motifs and images, as well as through historical, scientific, clinical, and cultural observation.
Kathryn Madden
28 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-697-6430
Website: http://www.cgjungny.org/quadrantsubscribtions/
E-mail: info@cgjungny.org
Review de Psychologie Analytique
Publication francophone internationale de Psychologie Analytique
respectant les critères de validation universitaire et
s’adressant prioritairement aux cliniciens, chercheurs & universitaires.
Les articles sont sélectionnés par les Rédacteurs en chef, après évaluation anonyme par deux ou trois lecteurs, membres du Comité Scientifique.
Ce projet s’est construit en relation avec de nombreuses personnalités de l’Association Internationale de Psychologie Analytique et du monde jungien. François Martin-Vallas (SFPA – France), qui l’a initié, en est le rédacteur en chef avec Liliana Wahba (SBrPA – Brésil).
La Revue est éditée par “L’ESPRIT DU TEMPS”, sous forme d’un semestriel, paraissant à la fois en format papier classique (réservé aux abonnés le souhaitant), et en format électronique. Celle-ci donne également accès au texte original de l’auteur si celui-ci n’est pas en français
Website: http://www.revue-pa.com/Site/index.html
Revista Junguiana
Junguiana is the scientific Journal of the Brazilian Society for Analytical Psychology (SBrPA), published for the first time in 1983 and directed towards the dissemination of unpublished works that contribute to the knowledge and development of analytical psychology and related sciences, with an openness towards scientific, cultural, social and contemporary political debate. Twice a year, the journal accepts original and review articles, clinical cases, brief announcements, reviews and interviews.
Vera Lúcia Viveiros Sá: editoresjunguiana@sbpa.org.br
Fani Goldenstein Kaufman
Victor Roberto da Cruz Palomo
Address: Rua Dr. Fláquer, 63, São Paulo, SP, Brasil – 04006-010.
Telefax.: 55-11-2501.4859
To submit an article:
E-mail: artigojunguiana@sbpa.org.br
Rivista di Psicologia Analitica
La Rivista di Psicologia Analitica – R.P.A. – è stata fondata nel 1970 da un gruppo di cinque analisti junghiani appartenenti all’A.I.P.A. – Associazione Italiana per lo studio della Psicologia Analitica – ma con piena autonomia culturale ed amministrativa. Da allora ha pubblicato, a cadenza bimestrale, oltre 70 volumi di rigorosa attinenza monografica.
REDAZIONE Stefano Carrara, Stefano Carta, Maria Teresa Colonna, Pier Claudio Devescovi, Pina Galeazzi, Romano Màdera, Angelo Malinconico, Barbara Massimilla, Daniela Palliccia,
Lella Ravasi Redazione: Via Sannio 44, 00183 – Roma. e-mail: redazione@rivistapsicologianalitica.it
Studi Junghiani
Founded in 1995, Studi Junghiani (Franco Angeli Editore) is a peer-reviewed and open source journal that aims to promote a debate among different theoretical and clinical frames of Analytical Psychology and enhance the dialogue with other theories of in-depth psychology in Italy and abroad. Studi Junghiani intends to spread the results of contemporary Jungian research and its applications to different clinical settings and society. The journal is open to contributions in Italian and/or English from a wider audience of psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and researchers interested in depth psychology and C.G. Jung’s thinking.
Fondata nel 1995, Studi Junghiani (Franco Angeli Editore) è una rivista peer-reviewed e in open source che ha l’obiettivo di promuovere il dibattito tra diversi orientamenti teorici e clinici della Psicologia Analitica e approfondire il dialogo con altre teorie del profondo in Italia e all’estero. Studi Junghiani intende diffondere i risultati della ricerca contemporanea junghiana e le sue applicazioni a diversi tipi di setting clinici e alla società. La rivista è aperta a contributi in italiano e/o in inglese da un ampio pubblico di psicoanalisti, psicoterapeuti, ricercatori interessati alla psicologia del profondo e al pensiero di C.G. Jung.
Editor/Direttore: Alessandra De Coro Editorial Board/Comitato di Redazione: Renata De Giorgio, Valentino Franchitti, Marina Gallozzi, Monica Luci (coordinatrice), Gerardina Papa, Emanuela Pasquarelli, Giuseppe Pizzolante, Maria Rita Porfiri, Massimiliano Scarpelli, Manuela Tartari, Carla Tognaccini
Link to the journal: http://ojs.francoangeli.it/_ojs/index.php/jun/index
Email: info@aipa.info
The Spring Journal
Spring: A Journal of Archetype and Culture is the oldest Jungian psychology journal in the world. Published twice a year, each Spring Journal is organized around a theme and offers articles and book reviews in the areas of archetypal psychology, mythology, and Jungian psychology.
Spring was started in 1941 by the Analytical Psychology Club of New York and was edited by Jane Pratt until 1969. With the 1970 issue, James Hillman became its editor and moved the journal and its publication to Zurich, Switzerland. When Hillman became the Dean of Graduate Studies at the University of Dallas in 1978, he transferred the editing and publishing of Spring there. It was edited in Dallas, Texas, until 1987. In 1988, Spring moved to Connecticut. James Hillman retired as Publisher and Senior Editor of the journal in 1997. Spring was published by Nancy Cater and Jay Livernois from 1997 until 2003. Nancy Cater is now the publisher and editor of Spring, which is located in New Orleans.
Editor: Nancy Cater, nancycater@springjournalandbooks.com
Spring Journal, Inc.
627 Ursulines Street, #7
New Orleans, Louisiana 70116
Fax: 504 558 0088
Phone: 504 524 5117
Website: www.springjournalandbook.com
E-mail: webmaster@springjournalandbooks.com