Jungian Psychology: East and West, encountering differences
The 2019 IAJS Regional Conference, Osaka, Japan
November 2 – 3, 2019
The 2019 IAJS Regional Conference, Osaka, Japan
November 2 – 3, 2019
Crossing Thresholds Presented by Janet Tatum, MSW, LICSW, CST-T It’s
The story we tell ourselves and others gives us a
Why a conference dedicated to the Values in Analytical Psychology?
Inspired by the peaceful beauty of this place and its
Does your creative nature feel wounded or blocked? Would you
We are delighted to invite you to participate in the
We are delighted to extend our warmest greetings to you
La 2ème rencontre des analystes jungiens francophone vous accueille à
Do Kant and Bergson provide a platform for a Jung-Bion
This unique international online conference brings together people from analytic