XI Conference of UDG “Diary of the War in Ukraine: Memories, Dreams, Reflections”

24th to the 25th of June 2023, online on the ZOOM platform

We invite all colleagues, analytical psychologists and everyone who is interested in C.G. Jung analytical psychology to the XI annual conference of the Ukrainian Developing Group of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (UDG IAAP)

“Diary of the War in Ukraine: Memories, Dreams, Reflections”

– memories are testimonies on the war time experience, how we cope this experiences in personal life, in groups, in analytical practice;

– dreams are images and series, not only dreams as they are, but also creative manifestations of the unconscious, possibly paintings, songs, dances, folk traditions;

– reflection is on making sense of this experience, thoughts, concepts and means.

The conference will be held online on the ZOOM platform. Working languages – Ukrainian, English (simultaneous translation into these languages).

Jungian analysts: prof. Renos Papadopoulos (Great Britain), Dr. Donald Kalshed (United States of America), Batya Brosh Palmoni (Israel) and others have agreed to speak at the conference.

Recommended donation from foreign participants to the support of Ukrainian Jungians: 80 EUR/ 85 USD.

To register for participation in the conference and receive payment details, please fill out the form:


We will send you the requisites for donations after the registration.

Your proposal of presentations, workshops, panel discussions – please send to email: yuradan@gmail.com till May 26.

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